Children Wish List

It’s that time of the year again when we send out our Christmas wish lists for the less fortunate.

Please take note of the following information:

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this project since 2016.

Attached, you will find the 2024 name list for children and elderly individuals, along with the designated drop-off locations and the address where you can send your gifts and/or donations via courier.

We also have a list for families, where you can donate food items for those in need.

It’s important to note that the “wish list item” next to a child and/or elderly person’s name is not mandatory; it serves as a guideline, and you are free to choose any other type of gift for that individual.

If you are unable to fill a box or bag, but still wish to contribute, you can donate one or more of the following items:


* Toothpaste

* Toothbrush

* Facecloth

* Bar of soap

* Sweets, chips, cookies, cool drinks, etc.

* Stationary

* Toy

* Any other kind of item for a gift

* Non-perishable food

* Wrapping paper, gift bag


2024 – Children Christmas Treasure Box Wish List                                                           


* The Special Item list as a wish is NOT COMPULSURY.                                                  

* Most of the people choose items from our example list and that is why so many ask for the same item                                                             


  1. NAME SEX         AGE       WISH

C0001  AB          Boy        16          Button choclates

C0002  Abbigail                Girl         8             Kinderjoy sweets

C0003  Abby     Girl         15          Mum 21 Purple deodorant & roll on

C0004  Abdullah              Boy        18          Mens Wallat

C0005  Abel       Boy        16          Vodacom airtime

C0006  Aberdeen            Girl         17          lip stick, lip gloss, eye lashes

C0007  Absalon               Boy        7             Hand cream from Disney Charaters

C0008  Ada        Girl         15          Blue Lace gift set (deodorant etc)

C0009  Adam    Boy        18          Gift voucher from Game (to buy essentials for the house)

C0010  Adelé    Girl         12          SPAR Gift Voucher – Want to buy a cheesecake

C0011  Adri       Girl         16          Fake Eye Lashes & Fake Nails

C0012  Adriaan Boy        5             Danish cookies in a tin

C0013  Adrian  Boy        17          Marshmallow & Liquorice sweets

C0014  Adrie     Girl         17          Beef-sticks

C0015  Adrihanna           Girl         3             Soft teddy bears

C0016  Agnes   Girl         14          Golden or Sterling silver cross & necklace

C0017  Agnes   Girl         14          Vodacom airtime

C0018  Aiden    Boy        14          Hair knipper

C0019  AJ           Boy        11          Colouring utilities

C0020  Alastair Boy        6             Jelly Beans

C0021  Albert   Boy        17          Vodacom airtime

C0022  Albert B.              Boy        13          Scateboard Go Pro

C0023  Alec       Boy        17          Fishing gear

C0024  Alex       Boy        18          CD’s (Any Gospel music)

C0025  Alexa     Girl         8             Moana Stuff (like dvd, doll, etc.)

C0026  Alexee   Girl         5             Anything about my little pony

C0027  Alexyz   Girl         14          Telkom Cellphone Data Bundle

C0028  Alice      Girl         16          Gift voucher from Woolworths (to buy a nice outfit)

C0029  Aljandre               Boy        15          MTN Airtime

C0030  Allan      Boy        3             Gift voucher from Clicks

C0031  Allecia   Girl         15          White satin gift pack

C0032  Allen      Boy        18          MTN airtime & Dry wors

C0033  Allie       Boy        5             Police Car

C0034  Allison  Girl         12          Vodacom Airtime

C0035  Amakali                Boy        15          Choc-chip cookies

C0036  Amanda               Girl         6             Ouma’s Aniseed rusk

C0037  Amanda               Girl         7             Lots of driffrent snacks

C0038  Amelia  Girl         9             Ruan Josh CD

C0039  Amesia Girl         15          5D Diamond Dot Painting Kits

C0040  Ammie Girl         2             Baby diapers 12-15kg

C0041  Amorey Girl         7             Lip ice, chips, sweets, biscuts

C0042  Amy      Girl         18          Afrikaanse romance or drama storybooks

C0043  Andrea Girl         18          Top Deck Chocolates

C0044  Andrew Boy        15          Brut aftershave & deodorant

C0045  Andy     Boy        17          Hot choclate

C0046  Aneesa Girl         18          Talc (Powder) Lavender or Rose

C0047  Angela  Girl         16          Organic 2-1 anti dandruff shampoo & conditioner

C0048  Angelica               Girl         16          A big can of instant Ricoffy

C0049  Angelique            Girl         17          Facial products for oily skin & blackhead’s

C0050  Anique Girl         14          Danish Butter cookies

C0051  Annalie Girl         18          Mixed Nuts

C0052  Annandi B.          Girl         9             Fingerpaint, arts & crafts items

C0053  Anne     Girl         11          New Born Baby that drinks & wets & sound functions

C0054  Annetjie               Girl         18          MTN Airtime

C0055  Annika  Girl         16          Shampoo & Conditioner for normal hair

C0056  Ansie     Girl         18          Aero or Bubble Chocolates

C0057  Anton  Boy        3             Toys

C0058  Antonie Boy        9             Quality street chocolates

C0059  April      Girl         18          Story books in Big Print (like romance books)

C0060  Ariska   Girl         14          Cell C Data Bundle

C0061  Armina Girl         17          Telkom Cellphone Data Bundle

C0062  Arnike   Girl         15          Different colour lip gloss lipsticks

C0063  Arno B. Boy        12          Tennis racket & balls

C0064  Attie      Boy        6             Choc chip cookies

C0065  Aubrey Girl         11          Sweets lozenges

C0066  Aurora  Girl         16          Sterling Silver Bracelet

C0067  Austin   Boy        18          Mixed Chocolates

C0068  Ava        Girl         15          Make-up case

C0069  Ayanda Girl         15          Telkom Cellphone Data Bundle

C0070  Baslius  Boy        16          MTN airtime

C0071  Beata    Girl         18          Make-up Set

C0072  Ben        Boy        17          Excel for Dummies Book – Learn MS Excel

C0073  Beni       Boy        4             Any Spiderman items

C0074  Benjamin             Boy        18          Biltong slices

C0075  Benji      Boy        16          Vodacom Airtime

C0076  Bennie  Boy        6             Nougat sweets

C0077  Berlize   Girl         15          Old style alarm clock

C0078  Bernetia               Girl         18          Cell C airtime

C0079  Berta     Girl         16          Juicer / blender

C0080  Bets       Girl         18          Grocery voucher (SPAR, Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers, OK)

C0081  Beulah  Girl         7             1kg Bakers assorted biscuits

C0082  Bhengu Boy        15          Flagan’s Chips – any flavour accept chilli flavours

C0083  Billy        Boy        12          Willards Monster Munch original chips

C0084  Blake     Boy        14          MTN airtime

C0085  Bob        Boy        18          backpack or laptop bag

C0086  Boitumelo           Girl         15          MTN airtime

C0087  Bollie     Boy        4             “CARS” movie toys

C0088  Bonisha                Girl         9             Salty cracks or Kips

C0089  Bonnie  Girl         18          MTN Airtime

C0090  Boraine Girl         15          Opal colour cutex

C0091  Botha    Boy        17          Checkers Voucher – to buy triangle cheese, pizza’s, samosa’s, etc.

C0092  Braam   Boy        12          Spiderman items

C0093  Brain     Boy        14          Stationary for high school

C0094  Breyten Boy        8             Savoury snacks, savoury biscuits

C0095  Bunij     Boy        15          Cell C Data Bundle

C0096  Burton  Boy        18          Old Spice Gift Pack (Deodrant & Aftershave)

C0097  Busi       Boy        14          Dark & Lovely Products

C0098  Caine     Boy        9             Anything about Paw Patrol

C0099  Caitlyn  Girl         14          Hazelnut Bubbly Choclate

C0100  Callaghan            Boy        9             Anything about Spiderman

C0101  Callie     Boy        13          Jumping Jack Popcorn (Sour cream & Butter Salt flavours)

C0102  Calnique              Girl         18          2x Black Continental Cushions

C0103  Calvin    Boy        14          Vodacom airtime

C0104  Carl        Boy        16          Telkom Cellphone Data Bundle

C0105  Carlexis Girl         11          Nutella Choclate Spread

C0106  Carley   Girl         18          Raisins

C0107  Carmen Girl         17          Afrikaans Romanza books

C0108  Casey    Girl         5             Anything about Barbie

C0109  Cassandra           Girl         12          Speakout Board Game

C0110  Cassea  Boy        7             Wine gums

C0111  Cassey  Girl         16          Puzzles like nature, cats, horses, etc.

C0112  Cassidy Girl         10          Dried fruit blocks with sugar coat

C0113  Cecilia   Girl         6             Cheese Puffs

C0114  Celvin    Boy        17          Multi tool kit set

C0115  Chambo               Girl         18          Cutlery set & Kitchen supplies – I love to baked & to cook

C0116  Chamenei            Girl         17          3xl sports bra

C0117  Chamsley            Girl         17          O so heavenly gift Heart of gold products

C0118  Chantal Girl         17          Belle Collection Eyeshadow Pallets

C0119  Charlmaine         Girl         18          Telkom Cellphone Data Bundle

C0120  Charlotte             Girl         13          Payday Board Game

C0121  Charmain            Girl         17          Gift voucher from Dischem

C0122  Charmaine          Girl         14          Oats cookies

C0123  Charmonaix        Girl         1             Nappies

C0124  Charne Girl         16          Toaster

C0125  Charon Girl         14          Colouring Diary for everyday

C0126  Chene   Girl         10          Anything about rabbits

C0127  Chloe    Girl         7             Lauging cow cheese wedges

C0128  Choi       Boy        6             Different kinds of choclate

C0129  Chris      Boy        14          Milo

C0130  Chrishaan            Girl         16          Egg Boiler

C0131  Chrishane            Girl         17          Soaps that smells like roses

C0132  Chrisna Girl         18          MTN Airtime

C0133  Christa  Girl         18          Anything pink & purple

C0134  Christiaan            Boy        5             Trucks, bicycle

C0135  Christian              Boy        9             Any board games

C0136  Christien              Girl         18          New schoolbag for grade 12

C0137  Christine              Girl         11          Fanta orange cooldrink

C0138  Christo Boy        17          Soldering Iron set

C0139  Cillian    Girl         15          Hug in a mug coffee

C0140  Cintaine               Girl         17          Perfume

C0141  CJ           Boy        18          Afrikaans recipe books

C0142  CJ           Boy        7             Jumbo couloring book & crayon’s

C0143  Clair       Girl         10          Collecting all kinds of badges

C0144  Clarke    Boy        16          Acnee Products

C0145  Claude  Boy        15          School bag for next year

C0146  Cleo       Girl         16          Waterproof: mascara & eyeliner

C0147  Cloete   Boy        5             A lot of chewing sweets

C0148  Colette  Girl         15          Big hairbrush for long curley hair

C0149  Conray Boy        5             Soccor ball

C0150  Con-Ray               Boy        3             Anything about sports cars

C0151  Corine   Girl         13          Anything about science & technology

C0152  Coritha Girl         7             Barbie dolls

C0153  Corné    Girl         15          Nesquick (like chocolate & strawberry flavours)

C0154  Cornelius             Boy        13          Vodacom Airtime

C0155  Craig      Boy        15          Pocket knife

C0156  Craig      Boy        18          Wood carving tools

C0157  Cruz       Boy        3             Toys

C0158  Damian Girl         17          Anything about cricket

C0159  Damian Boy        2             Baby camp cot

C0160  Dan        Boy        5             Any Batman items

C0161  Danny   Boy        18          MTN airtime

C0162  David    Boy        17          Fishing gear & Rod

C0163  De Wet Boy        16          Vodacom airtime

C0164  Debbie  Girl         14          Butter cookies

C0165  Debigail                Girl         10          Lots of jelly beans

C0166  Deborah              Girl         14          Stickers for my collection

C0167  Dehanté               Girl         14          Mouse Trap Board Game

C0168  Denichia               Girl         15          Fanity case

C0169  Denise  Girl         18          Warm Waterbottle / bag

C0170  Deona   Girl         14          Body lotion

C0171  Derick   Boy        8             Flings chips

C0172  Devraj   Boy        17          USB light

C0173  Diandri Girl         1             Baby clothes & shoes (24-36 months)

C0174  Diane    Girl         7             Colouring books & pencils & wax crayons

C0175  Diko       Girl         15          MTN airtime

C0176  Dirk        Boy        6             Lots of lollipops

C0177  Dixon    Boy        18          Electric Shaver

C0178  Dlamini Boy        18          A3 laminator & pouches – to earn pocket money with it

C0179  Donn     Boy        15          Anything about computers

C0180  Donna  Girl         17          Goodies for my long hair

C0181  Donovan             Boy        17          Flagan’s chips

C0182  Dora      Girl         17          5D Diamond Dot Painting Kits

C0183  Doreen Girl         17          Jewellery box

C0184  Dreahago            Girl         6             A little Pony (horse) doll

C0185  Drickey Girl         16          Joga mat

C0186  Du Plessis            Boy        18          Wet & Dry Shaver (Battery)

C0187  Du Toit  Boy        8             Home baked cookies (I love chocolate brownies)

C0188  Dulmaine             Girl         18          Cutex (Bright colours like shocking pink)

C0189  Dwayne               Boy        4             Love to play in the house

C0190  Edgar    Boy        13          Deodorant, roll-on, hair gel

C0191  Edna      Boy        18          32G Memory Stick

C0192  Edyth    Girl         7             Hair scrunchies

C0193  Ekandjo               Boy        18          Jacobs Kroning Coffee

C0194  Elaine    Girl         12          Like girly stuff

C0195  Elizabeth              Girl         3             Any kind of soft toys

C0196  Elize       Girl         14          Cutex

C0197  Elizé-Marie          Girl         18          Digital Pedometer watch

C0198  Ella         Girl         15          Watch & bracelet gift set

C0199  Elleke     Girl         17          Ladies funky T-shirts (size XL or XXL)

C0200  Elmien  Girl         14          Puzzels

C0201  Elrize     Girl         11          Playstation

C0202  Elsa        Girl         16          Collecting Stickers

C0203  Elzaan   Girl         15          Digital Watch – water resistant

C0204  Elzette   Girl         17          Self stirring travelling coffee mug

C0205  Emily     Girl         18          Scrapbooking starter kit

C0206  Emma   Girl         18          IQ facial products

C0207  Emma   Girl         14          Paint & paint brushes

C0208  Enrico   Boy        9             Anything about Batman

C0209  Eric         Boy        15          Vodacom airtime

C0210  Erica      Girl         18          Make-up & deodorant & cutex

C0211  Ernest   Boy        11          1kg Cape Cookies Assorted Biscuits

C0212  Ernestine             Girl         11          Tea set

C0213  Errol      Boy        12          Radio (a plain FM/AM one – just to listen radio for)

C0214  Esmarelda           Girl         7             Mixed nuts

C0215  Esmarencia         Girl         18          Love the colours pink & purple

C0216  Esmi      Girl         14          Headphones

C0217  Esther   Girl         18          Vanity case

C0218  Estie      Girl         7             Colouring books with wax crayons

C0219  Eugene Boy        18          MTN airtime

C0220  Eyethu  Boy        14          Shania Twine CD

C0221  Faith      Girl         8             Collecting erasers

C0222  Fanie     Boy        5             Remote control Car

C0223  Febé      Girl         9             Teddy bear

C0224  Felicia    Girl         18          Hair dryer

C0225  Felicity  Girl         17          SA Greatest Hits CD

C0226  Fernando            Boy        18          Nivea gift pack

C0227  Finely    Boy        16          Cell C airtime

C0228  Florenshia           Girl         11          Girly stationary

C0229  Floretta Girl         3             Baby toys

C0230  Francis  Girl         17          O so heavenly gift pack

C0231  Franciska             Boy        18          Fan

C0232  Franciska             Girl         14          Charm bracelet

C0233  Francois               Boy        2             Diappers (biggest sizes)

C0234  Frankie Girl         16          Collecting candles with fragrances

C0235  Fransien               Girl         14          Golden earrings & necklace

C0236  Fransjohan         Boy        17          Arts & Crafts items

C0237  Fred       Boy        13          Vodacom airtime

C0238  Fred       Boy        18          Coffee maker

C0239  Freda    Girl         16          Carmella chocolate

C0240  Fredelina             Girl         2             Anything for babies

C0241  Fredeline             Girl         18          Make-up artist kit (brushes, shadows, lipstick) – to earn money

C0242  Gabby   Girl         6             Home baked cookies

C0243  Gabonewe          Boy        11          CD from Karlien van Jaarsveld

C0244  Gabriel  Boy        8             Checkers Voucher – to buy ice tea & fruit juices

C0245  Gary      Boy        14          Vegetable seeds & small gardening tools

C0246  Gawie   Boy        16          Travel coffee mug

C0247  Genené Girl         10          Toys

C0248  Genevieve           Girl         16          Top Deck Bubble chocolate

C0249  George Boy        18          Telkom Cellphone Data Bundle

C0250  Geraldine             Girl         12          Beautiful writing paper with matching envelopes

C0251  Gert       Boy        11          Mixed bowl of chocolates

C0252  Gizelle   Girl         18          Lucky charm bracelet

C0253  Gladys  Girl         16          Hot hair brush

C0254  Goliath Boy        4             Building blocks

C0255  Govender            Boy        2             Baby shampoo & Soap

C0256  Greg      Boy        8             i-Play Glow Tracks (Verimark product)

C0257  Gretchen             Girl         16          A dairy

C0258  Gwanyanya        Girl         18          French Manicure & Pedicure Set

C0259  Gxumisa               Boy        16          MTN Airtime

C0260  Handro Boy        4             Fire truck

C0261  Hanko   Boy        15          MTN airtime

C0262  Hannah Girl         18          Blond Hair Dye

C0263  Hannes Boy        18          Stationary set

C0264  Hannetjie            Girl         18          Like to “dress-up”

C0265  Hannie  Girl         18          Yardley deodorant

C0266  Hans      Boy        1             Wetwipes

C0267  Hansie  Boy        10          Afrikaans story books

C0268  Happiness           Girl         16          Dark navy blue hair items for school

C0269  Happy   Boy        16          MTN airtime

C0270  Hardus Boy        17          Cell C airtime

C0271  Harry     Boy        18          Nail clipper set

C0272  Hashim Boy        15          Shampoo & Conditioner for curley hair

C0273  Hashipala            Boy        15          Watch

C0274  Haufiku Boy        18          Tablet

C0275  Haydee Girl         14          Juwelery box

C0276  Haygen Boy        17          Anything about fairies

C0277  Hazel     Girl         16          Anything about Springbok rugby

C0278  Heinline                Girl         18          Cutex

C0279  Heinrich               Boy        7             School bag for next year – going to grade 1

C0280  Heinz     Boy        15          Big backpack for school

C0281  Helena  Girl         18          Hair mousse

C0282  Hendrie                Girl         14          Anything that smells like roses

C0283  Hendrik Boy        18          Honey & Mustard Big Corn Bites

C0284  Hendrika              Boy        18          Sleep mask to cover my eyes while I am trying to sleep

C0285  Hendrix Boy        1             Ok voucher – to buy formula milk

C0286  Hendry Boy        12          MTN Airtime Voucher

C0287  Hennie  Boy        6             Colouring books with koki’s

C0288  Henri     Boy        5             Zoo cookies

C0289  Henry    Boy        18          Adult therapy colouring books & gel pens

C0290  Hestrie  Girl         18          Size 12 “seelring”

C0291  Hettie    Girl         15          Romanza Storybooks

C0292  Hilde      Girl         18          No. 7 Ladies Sandles

C0293  Hileni     Girl         18          Cell C airtime

C0294  Hilmam Boy        17          Alarm Clock Radio

C0295  Hlumelo               Boy        17          Anything about computers & repairs

C0296  Hope     Girl         16          Tinkies – all sorts of flavours (especially the chocolate one)

C0297  Hwepo Boy        10          OK voucher to buy ice cream & choclate mouse

C0298  Hykie     Girl         16          MTN airtime

C0299  Iipinge  Girl         10          Sprite cooldrink

C0300  Ilene      Girl         16          A carry bag to put my Bible & Sunday school book in

C0301  Imibonga             Boy        17          Coconut biscuits

C0302  Ineel      Boy        8             Anything about farm animals

C0303  Ines       Boy        7             Chrunchie choclates & Fruit Pastilles sweets

C0304  Ingrid    Girl         9             MM’s & Astro’s

C0305  Irene     Girl         16          Hand cream

C0306  Iris          Girl         6             A crying baby with dummy

C0307  Isabel    Girl         18          Lots of sugar coated peanuts

C0308  Isak        Boy        18          CD Now that’s what I call music

C0309  Ismael   Boy        9             Mini Legends Assorted Chocolates

C0310  Ivan       Boy        12          Frito’s & Big Corn Bites & Doritos Chips (No hot stuff)

C0311  Ivanka  Girl         18          Sorbet Cooling Foot Spray

C0312  Ivano    Boy        16          Dictionary for school

C0313  Izelle      Girl         11          Nestlé Passion Chocolates

C0314  J.D          Girl         18          Bakeware set

C0315  Jabulane              Boy        13          Rolo & Rolo Slab Choclate

C0316  Jack       Boy        5             Fanta grape cooldrink

C0317  Jackie    Girl         18          Vodacom airtime

C0318  Jacklen Girl         14          Eyeliner, lip liner, mascara different kinds of eye shadows

C0319  Jacklin   Boy        16          MTN airtime

C0320  Jackson Boy        18          Telkom Cellphone Data Bundle

C0321  Jacky     Girl         8             Little Pony toys

C0322  Jacob    Boy        17          Lindt Milk Chocolate

C0323  Jacoba  Girl         7             Toys

C0324  Jacobi   Girl         18          Wafer Chocolate sticks

C0325  Jacobs  Boy        16          Battery hand free set game

C0326  Jacoby  Girl         13          Soft toys

C0327  Jacque  Girl         15          Deodorant & roll on

C0328  Jade       Girl         16          Cell C airtime

C0329  Jade       Girl         14          Alarm clock

C0330  Jake       Boy        18          Game voucher – for a mountain bike

C0331  James   Boy        16          Kips salty biscuits

C0332  Jamie    Girl         13          Waffle maker

C0333  Jan         Boy        14          Multi tool set

C0334  Jantjie   Boy        17          MTN airtime

C0335  Jason    Boy        18          Cellphone with WhatsApp

C0336  Jasper   Boy        16          Tools & Toolbox

C0337  Jay         Boy        16          Gill anti-dandruf shampoo & conditioner

C0338  Jaydee-Lee          Girl         18          Shaver for arms & legs

C0339  Jayden  Boy        17          MTN airtime

C0340  Jayleen Girl         14          Glitter make-up & Glitter cutex

C0341  Jaylin     Girl         14          Chest game

C0342  Jaywin  Boy        15          Aftershave & deodorant & speed stick

C0343  Jazser    Boy        18          Sterling Silver necklace

C0344  JC           Girl         18          USB memory stick power bank

C0345  Jean       Boy        17          Vodacom airtime

C0346  Jeanine Girl         14          Curling iron

C0347  Jeanson               Boy        15          Cell C airtime

C0348  Jennie   Girl         17          A grocery gift voucher for my grandma who had rise me

C0349  Jennifer                Girl         12          Anything about cats

C0350  Jenny    Girl         5             Ghost Pops Chips

C0351  Jephandro          Boy        14          Afrikaans Story books

C0352  Jerminah             Girl         18          Casserol set

C0353  Jerry      Boy        9             Anything about superman

C0354  Jessica  Girl         13          1000+ pieces of puzzles

C0355  Jessie    Girl         18          Juwelery box

C0356  Jessika  Girl         18          Dubble or Queen size (dark colour) comforter

C0357  Jevicho Girl         7             Like things what is about fairy tail

C0358  Jill           Girl         18          4xl or 5xl clothes

C0359  Jimmie  Boy        16          Sensodyne Toothpast

C0360  Jimmy   Girl         12          Anything about airplanes

C0361  Joachim               Boy        16          Facial scrubs (oil skin) & Alarm clock

C0362  Joanlene              Girl         17          Cellphone with WhatsApp

C0363  Joann    Boy        15          Grocery voucher (SPAR, Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers, OK)

C0364  Jo-Anne               Girl         16          Razors & toiletries

C0365  Joaun    Girl         18          Bracelet, necklace, earrings

C0366  Joelene Girl         16          Smoothie maker

C0367  Joggie   Girl         18          Anything about dolphins

C0368  Johanli  Girl         17          No Hair Cream

C0369  Johann Boy        16          Status Aftershave, deodorant, roll-on & Battery shaver

C0370  Johanna               Girl         18          Vodacom airtime

C0371  Johanri Girl         16          Cell C airtime

C0372  John      Boy        17          MTN airtime

C0373  Jolanda Girl         18          Flawless Facial Hair Remover (Verimark Product)

C0374  Jolandy Girl         8             Anything from the movie ice princess

C0375  Jolene   Girl         10          Lots of sweets with toys

C0376  Jomari  Girl         17          Deodorant, roll-on, hair gel

C0377  Jonaid   Boy        8             A spade and other toys to play in the sand

C0378  Jona-Lee              Girl         17          Proffesional knife set for cooking

C0379  Jonas    Boy        14          Cell C airtime

C0380  Jonathan             Boy        11          DVD’s (He like to watch DVD’s at his cousins house)

C0381  Jordan  Boy        15          Powerbank

C0382  Joseph  Boy        16          Telkom Cellphone Data Bundle

C0383  Joseph  Boy        18          Cell C airtime

C0384  Josephat              Boy        8             OK voucher – to buy fozen chicken nuggets

C0385  Josephine            Girl         11          Appeltizer coldrink

C0386  Josh       Boy        17          Vodacom airtime

C0387  Joshwin               Boy        15          Pep voucher (want to buy a cheap cell phone)

C0388  Jovandré             Boy        8             Nesquick (like chocolate & strawberry flavours)

C0389  Joyclinn Girl         16          Browser Vlaue (Verimark)

C0390  Jozh       Boy        18          Pocket knife

C0391  Jozheph               Boy        16          Cell C Data Bundle

C0392  JP           Boy        9             Marshmallows, lollipops

C0393  Juan      Boy        10          Puzzles

C0394  Juandré Boy        15          Microwave popcorn (like butter salt)

C0395  Juané    Girl         14          Lego’s

C0396  Juanita Girl         14          Anything about unicorns

C0397  Juan-Marie         Girl         17          Mani & Pedi set

C0398  Juanne Girl         18          Ring (size: no. 10 or a large)

C0399  Judy      Girl         15          Collect scented candles

C0400  Julia       Girl         7             i-Play Baby Dolly (Verimark Product)

C0401  Julie       Girl         18          Home baked cookies with cherries on top

C0402  Julie       Girl         12          Cheesecake Ice Cream

C0403  Junelle  Girl         18          Niknaks

C0404  Justin    Boy        6             Coke cooldrink

C0405  Justine  Girl         17          Cloud Pre-mixed baked items like cake, muffins

C0406  Kambangula       Boy        18          Pep voucher – to buy a Tablet

C0407  Karabo Boy        13          Towel set for hostel

C0408  Karel      Boy        17          Pringles (like all flavours especially sour cream)

C0409  Karen    Girl         7             Teddy bear or a big doll

C0410  Karenina              Girl         15          Make-up Brushes & Sponges

C0411  Karin     Girl         18          Jewellery set (matching necklace, earrings, bracelet)

C0412  Karnato Girl         7             Anything about little kitty

C0413  Kasinde Girl         5             Things for my long hair

C0414  Kassey  Girl         1             Squish or Purity Baby puree food

C0415  Kate-Lynn           Girl         17          Nail art stickers

C0416  Katie      Girl         1             Wetwipes, Baby powder, baby food

C0417  Katroli   Boy        8             Princess toys

C0418  Kayden B.            Girl         8             Transformer robot (Bumble bee), dinosaures, lego’s

C0419  Kayla     Girl         15          Afrikaanse recipe book (with easy recipes – learn to cook)

C0420  Kayle B. Boy        18          Laptop

C0421  Kaylee   Girl         17          Waterproof: mascara, eyeliner, lipstick

C0422  Kay-Leigh             Girl         8             Eet sum mor cookies

C0423  Kaylene Girl         16          MTN WhatsApp Bundle

C0424  Kaylin    Girl         11          Cheesy bites & other savoury biscuts

C0425  Kazandra             Girl         18          Short running socks (for size 7 or 8)

C0426  Keegan Boy        14          Checkers Voucher – to buy meat

C0427  Kelly      Girl         4             Teddy bears

C0428  Kelsie    Girl         1             Baby dishes (spoon, fork, plate, cup)

C0429  Kemal   Boy        1             Baby clothes & shoes

C0430  Kerishnie             Girl         12          Marshmallows & animal cookies

C0431  Kerneels               Boy        16          Anroid cell phone

C0432  Kevin     Boy        15          Art suitcase for my paintings

C0433  Kgomotso           Boy        15          Bluetooth earphones

C0434  Khurlen Girl         13          Hairbrush and other hair items

C0435  Kim        Girl         4             Any Barbie items

C0436  Kizenia  Girl         18          5D Diamond Dot Painting Kits

C0437  Koekie  Girl         12          Ginger cookies

C0438  Komazi Boy        15          MtN airtime

C0439  Koos      Boy        17          MTN airtime

C0440  Krishna Girl         18          Afrikaans non-fiction books, Afrikaans history books

C0441  Kristien Girl         9             Anything about ballerina’s

C0442  Kristinah              Girl         15          Jewlery case or Jewelery Musical Box

C0443  Kwena  Boy        15          Bluetooth speaker

C0444  Kwinton               Girl         16          Hair gel

C0445  Kyle        Boy        18          Vodacom airtime

C0446  Kyra       Girl         15          Small candy floss maker  (Like to earn pocket money with it)

C0447  Lambertina         Girl         16          Lip gloss, golden earings

C0448  Larine    Girl         5             Like to play with dough

C0449  Larry      Boy        5             OK voucher – to buy yoghurt

C0450  Laura     Girl         18          Pink Amor Nail Gel Coat

C0451  Lauren  Girl         14          Anything about the character incredible hulk

C0452  Lauren  Girl         16          A camera & memory card – like to take photos for pocket money

C0453  Lawrence             Boy        10          Piggy bank

C0454  Le Roux Boy        15          Sandwich maker

C0455  LeeAnn Girl         17          Waterless Shampoo spray

C0456  Lee-Ann               Girl         13          Gel pens, glitter pens, glitter glue

C0457  Lee-gré Girl         18          TRESemme Shampoo & conditioner for anti-dandruff hair

C0458  Leibrandt             Boy        18          Waffle maker

C0459  Leigh     Girl         18          Adult therapy colouring books & pencils

C0460  Leigh-Anne         Girl         9             Checkers Voucher – to buy all kinds of stuff

C0461  Lelona   Girl         14          Any Coty Deodrant & Roll-on

C0462  Lena      Girl         18          Different kinds of cereal like Corn Flakes, Rainbow’s

C0463  Leoni     Girl         5             Doll house, bicycle

C0464  Lerefolo                Boy        17          Collecting pens & pencils

C0465  Lesna    Girl         17          Handbag

C0466  Letitia    Girl         16          Glow chocolates

C0467  Liebé     Girl         18          2xl or 3xl T-shirts

C0468  Liesl       Girl         10          Kips & salt cracks cookies

C0469  Liezel     Girl         18          Starter kit for jewellery making

C0470  Linda     Girl         13          Hair brush & other hair stuff

C0471  Lindi      Girl         13          Golden ring earings for school

C0472  Liney     Girl         14          Jewelery

C0473  Linn-Mari            Girl         18          No. 8 running shoes for athletics

C0474  Linza      Girl         18          Hair products for long hair that is damange (have splits)

C0475  Lionel    Boy        10          Corn nuts & Chocolate coated marshmallows

C0476  Litlhare Girl         8             Cruchie Choclate

C0477  Litsoane               Girl         1             Any baby products

C0478  Lizel       Girl         6             KinderJoy Girl & Choclate éclair toffies (all flavours)

C0479  Lizette   Girl         18          Move Activity Tracker (show how much calories you burn)

C0480  Llewellyn             Boy        7             Cool drink, sweets, chips, cookies

C0481  Louis     Boy        18          Lavender shower gel

C0482  Lourenco             Boy        18          3xl hoodies

C0483  Lu-Anne               Girl         17          A cellphone with whatsapp

C0484  Lucas     Boy        14          Like to be creative Anything for scrapbooking

C0485  Lucy       Girl         17          Big Make-up vanity case with draws

C0486  Lydia     Girl         16          Vanity case for her make-up

C0487  M.J.       Boy        3             Fruit juices

C0488  MacKenzi            Girl         9             Dried fruit flakes, blocks & rolls

C0489  Madikela              Boy        17          Small Popcorn maker & popcorn (to earn pocket money with it)

C0490  Madison              Girl         9             Hair brush & other hair stuff

C0491  Magdalene         Girl         15          Water bottles for sport & school

C0492  Magwaza            Girl         18          Chef knife set

C0493  Mali       Girl         16          Pantene Shampoo & Conditioner

C0494  Mandla Boy        14          CD of Brandon Pyper

C0495  Manuel Boy        13          Anything for deep sea fishing

C0496  Maphuti              Girl         15          Toiletry bag / Vanity case for hostel

C0497  Marco   Boy        5             Like to collect sells

C0498  Margaret             Girl         16          O so heavenly gift pack

C0499  Mari      Girl         9             Like German Sheppard dogs and small kittens

C0500  Maria    Girl         18          Size 8 (adult) black heeled shoes

C0501  Mariaan               Girl         18          Perfume – Rose flavour

C0502  Mariah Girl         5             R350 to buy a grocery hamper for my single mother

C0503  Mariana               Girl         18          MTN airtime

C0504  Mariane               Girl         18          Hazelnut chocolates

C0505  Marie    Girl         17          Digital Pedometer watch (Anything to do with sports)

C0506  Marie-Anne        Girl         18          Nescafe Gold Coffee & Nescafe Cappucino

C0507  Marien Girl         9             Jelly beans, Jelly babies, Jelly tots, Astro’s, Smarties

C0508  Marina Girl         1             Any baby items especially wetwipes

C0509  Ma-Rina               Girl         8             Tennis biscuts

C0510  Mariqi   Girl         16          Hand cream for brittle nails

C0511  Mariska Girl         9             I like to paint and anything about Barbie

C0512  Marissa Girl         8             Anything about Frozen Princess

C0513  Marius  Boy        16          MTN airtime

C0514  Mark     Boy        17          Anything about mixed martial arts

C0515  Marlayn               Girl         16          Make-up

C0516  Marlene               Girl         18          Coffee Mugs Set & Couloring changes coffee mugs

C0517  Marlon Boy        16          Cell phone (It will be my first cell phone)

C0518  Maropeng           Boy        15          Vodacom airtime

C0519  Marques              Boy        17          3xl hoodies

C0520  Marta   Girl         14          I like beautiful pens & pencils with funny things on it

C0521  Martha Girl         15          Toys to play on the beach & SPF 45 sunscreen lotion

C0522  Martin  Boy        7             Like to put things together and “fixed” things

C0523  Mary     Girl         17          Lindt Milk Chocolate with Nuts

C0524  Masadie               Girl         1             Anything for a baby (wetwipes, vaseline, toys)

C0525  Masha  Girl         16          Lucozade Energy drink – Caribbean Fusion – the blue bottle

C0526  Mashabela          Boy        7             Cheese & Onion flavour chips

C0527  Mashudu            Boy        15          Vodacom airtime

C0528  Matlakaneng     Boy        13          Black Cat Peanut Butter Cruch

C0529  Matt      Boy        18          Blank canvas to paint on & acrylic paint set with brushes

C0530  Matt      Boy        19          PEP voucher (want to buy underwear)

C0531  Matthew             Boy        15          Cricket ball & bat

C0532  Max       Boy        17          Cellphone with WhatsApp

C0533  Mbakera              Boy        18          Rooibos Cappucino Latte Sticks

C0534  Mbundu              Boy        10          Remote control Bakkie

C0535  Mecaylin              Boy        17          Like shining things

C0536  Melani  Girl         18          Afrikaans story books (biographic & crime books) Deon Meyer Books

C0537  Melanie                Girl         10          Like the movie Cars

C0538  Merchia               Girl         18          Instant Cappuccino coffee powder

C0539  Merissa Girl         17          Hair items (Have long hair)

C0540  Merlin   Boy        16          Speakers for my cell phone

C0541  Mervin Boy        15          Afrikaans CD’s

C0542  Meyer   Boy        6             Any Paw Patrol animation items

C0543  Mhangara           Boy        9             Spar voucher to buy freshly baked items at bakery

C0544  Mich      Girl         16          MTN Airtime

C0545  Michael                Boy        17          Lip ice, Cheezy Bites Crackers

C0546  Michelle               Girl         11          Grocery voucher (SPAR, Pick ‘n Pay, Checkers, OK)

C0547  Mieke    Girl         5             Spar voucher – Super M’s milk drinks

C0548  Miemie Girl         16          Size 10 mood ring

C0549  Mikayla Girl         2             Baby dippers (xl or xxl sizes)

C0550  Mike      Boy        12          Mastermind Board Game

C0551  Milan    Girl         12          Rainbow puff cereal

C0552  Milané  Girl         17          Snowflake easy mix scones, biscuits (to baked myself)

C0553  Milania Girl         18          One-zee 3xl

C0554  Milanie Girl         6             Caramel popcorn, Cheese Curls, Flings (all the flavours)

C0555  Miley     Girl         17          Make up case (suitcase)

C0556  Miller    Boy        13          Any savory snacks

C0557  Mischa Girl         15          Bed lamp or a standable table lamp

C0558  MJ          Boy        2             No. 6 Pull up nappies, Infasoy 1-3 years powder milk

C0559  Mokoane             Boy        15          Lamp that is charging by the sun to do school work ing the evenings

C0560  Molefe  Boy        13          Telkom Cellphone Data Bundle

C0561  Mollie   Girl         8             100% Fruit Juice Blend (like orange & mixed fruit)

C0562  Monica Girl         12          Jewellery (like rings, pearls, teardrop earings)

C0563  Monika Girl         12          Gel pens

C0564  Monique             Girl         18          Collecting items from the Stormers rugby team

C0565  Moreen                Girl         18          A personal diary (NOT a school diary)

C0566  Morenshia          Girl         15          OK voucher – to buy Chocolate ice cream (Rolo, Aero)

C0567  Morné  Boy        18          Aftershave & MTN Airtime

C0568  Moses  Boy        1             Wetwipes, Baby powder

C0569  Moses  Boy        16          English Blazer deodorant gift pack

C0570  Motsoikha          Boy        14          MTN airtime

C0571  Mpholiswa         Girl         15          Retro Game Console with games

C0572  Mtila     Boy        12          Retro Game Console with games

C0573  Mtsweni              Girl         7             Oros Cooldrink Orange flavour

C0574  Mulaudzi             Boy        9             Paint & Jelly beans

C0575  Munyambali      Girl         3             Marshmallows

C0576  Myeza  Boy        14          LED Flashlight

C0577  Mzamani             Boy        11          Wholewheat Rusk

C0578  Naanda Girl         5             Cadbury choclote eclairs toffies

C0579  Nadia    Girl         15          Adult colouring books – like fairy’s & mandala’s

C0580  Nadica  Girl         18          Sandels for ladies (shoe size nr 8)

C0581  Nah-Heem          Girl         18          Charlie Deodorant & roll on

C0582  Naledi   Girl         16          iPad for school

C0583  Nalini    Girl         18          Double knitting wool for looming

C0584  Namataa             Boy        15          Corn nuts & Chocolate coated marshmallows

C0585  Nangammbi       Boy        17          No 9 Tekkies for Men

C0586  Naomi  Girl         11          Hand free game set

C0587  Naomie Girl         18          2 x Big beach towel (dark colour)

C0588  Nashrique           Girl         18          Fire & Ice deodorant

C0589  Natalia  Girl         7             Checkers Voucher – to buy ice cream (Rolo, Bar One, etc)

C0590  Natally  Girl         16          Adult colouring books & pencils & pens

C0591  Natasha               Girl         17          New pencil bag & Glitter pens & Glitter glue & Oil pastel

C0592  Nathan Boy        15          Schoolbag for high school

C0593  Naydia  Girl         9             Crunchie cookies

C0594  Ndeiluka              Girl         1             Purity & Nestum & Cerelac food

C0595  Ndivhuwo           Boy        17          Electric kettle

C0596  Neels     Boy        17          Garnier Shampoo & Conditioner

C0597  Neil        Boy        13          MTN airtime

C0598  Nelia      Girl         15          Jewellery

C0599  Nelius   Boy        11          Twister Board Game

C0600  Nelson  Boy        9             Big couloring books with koki’s & couloring pencils

C0601  Nemakhavhani Boy        18          MTN airtime

C0602  Nequin Boy        11          Like music instruments (toys)

C0603  Nevoloh               Girl         6             Jumbo or Giant Teddy bear

C0604  Ngashikuao        Girl         13          30 Seconds Afrikaans Board Game

C0605  Nghaamwa         Girl         18          Vodacom Airtime

C0606  Nhanhla               Boy        16          Axe deodorant gift pack

C0607  Nia-Mey              Girl         16          Love wild horses

C0608  Niecy     Girl         16          Baking pre-mixes & baking utilities

C0609  Niikondo              Boy        15          Axe deodorant gift pack

C0610  Niki        Girl         1             Baby eating bowl & spoon & Milton sterilising fluid for bottles

C0611  Nina      Girl         16          Fritos (all flavours especially purple pack)

C0612  Niquin  Girl         18          Yardley gift pack

C0613  Nkosi     Girl         17          Lady Pink Nail Polish

C0614  Nkqoli   Girl         14          Elvieve Shampoo & Conditioner

C0615  Noah     Boy        7             Jelly tots & Smarties White Chocolate slabs

C0616  Nomonde           Boy        11          Cheese & chives rice cakes & other flavours

C0617  Norman               Boy        6             Suga Toffies & Fizzers & Smarties & MM’s & Choclate Button’s

C0618  Octavia Girl         17          Nestle box of mixed chocolates

C0619  Olivia     Girl         6             Anything about Garfield or cats

C0620  Patricia Girl         17          Peanut Brittle sweets & Romany chocolate cookies

C0621  Paul       Boy        17          MTN airtime

C0622  Paul       Boy        9             Wine gums, jelly babies, jelly tots, jelly beans

C0623  Paula     Girl         16          Twista Pull Chopper

C0624  Paulime                Girl         1             Baby products

C0625  Paulina Girl         14          Revlon deodorant (That Man)

C0626  Payton  Girl         9             Kids shampoo & conditioner

C0627  Pedro    Boy        17          Ensign Deodorant & roll on

C0628  Penelope             Girl         17          Golden necklace (Allergic to silver & costuum jewellery

C0629  Percy     Boy        1             Baby Food & Products

C0630  Peter     Boy        17          Anything about motorcycles

C0631  Petra     Girl         1             Anything baby products

C0632  Petrina  Girl         16          Sleeping mask

C0633  Petrus   Boy        17          Brut Aftershave gift pack & disposable razors

C0634  Phega   Girl         12          Spur voucher for her and her friends

C0635  Phiona  Girl         11          Vodacom airtime

C0636  Pieter    Boy        16          Top Deck Chocolates & Smarties & M&M’S & Astro’s

C0637  Pietricha              Girl         14          Lip liners & Blue lace gift pack

C0638  Poppie  Girl         13          A diary with colouring pictures for adults

C0639  Portia    Girl         13          MTN airtime

C0640  Precious               Girl         14          Golden teardrop earings

C0641  Preya    Girl         15          Stainless steel bracelet & necklace

C0642  Prince   Boy        16          Activity watch

C0643  Princess               Girl         16          Cell C airtime

C0644  Quanita                Girl         18          Brushes for make-up & a make-up mirror

C0645  Quinsie Girl         1             Purity Baby food

C0646  Ramonna            Girl         17          Smart Fitness Watch

C0647  Rauol    Boy        11          Travel coffee mug

C0648  Raven   Girl         17          Fitness equipment

C0649  Raydonique        Boy        14          Collecting pens

C0650  Rayline Girl         17          2-in-1 Nail Polish Dryer

C0651  Raymond            Boy        17          Coffee Plunger

C0652  Rebecca               Girl         13          Game powder – cool drink

C0653  Refilwe Boy        15          Wireless speaker (boombox)

C0654  Regardt Boy        9             Pringle chips

C0655  Reginah                Girl         10          Anything about horses

C0656  Reith     Boy        18          Vodacom airtime

C0657  Renier   Boy        14          I-Play laptop (blue & pink) for me AS WELL AS MY SISTER

C0658  Rho-bert              Boy        11          Romantic pink sweets

C0659  Riaan     Boy        6             Ouma’s rusk

C0660  Rian       Boy        5             Chelsea cookies

C0661  Riana     Girl         16          Bubbly Choclate

C0662  Rica        Girl         4             Mini cheddar cookies

C0663  Ricaydon             Girl         17          Golden earrings & nail art

C0664  Rickus   Boy        3             Spar voucher – buy dairy & other baby food

C0665  Rihanna               Girl         13          Collect Keyrings

C0666  Riley      Boy        17          Watch

C0667  Rina       Girl         16          False nails

C0668  Ritha     Girl         12          Golden Gypsy earings

C0669  Rob        Boy        5             Kinderjoy sweets

C0670  Robbert               Boy        8             i-Play Electro Blocks (Verimark product)

C0671  Robbie  Boy        9             i-Play Glide Ball (Verimark Product)

C0672  Robert  Boy        11          Boss Deodorant & roll on

C0673  Robin    Boy        9             Muesli with nuts

C0674  Rodger Boy        1             Any baby items (like wet wipes)

C0675  Roedolf Boy        11          Backpack for school

C0676  Roelien Girl         5             Cadbury hot chocolate powder

C0677  Rofhiwa               Girl         15          Cellphone with WhatsApp

C0678  Rohan   Boy        13          No. 7 tekkies, skateboard

C0679  Rojeanne             Girl         15          Mascara & eyeliner waterproof

C0680  Roman Boy        16          Fanta orange cooldrink

C0681  Ronél    Girl         18          Eyeliner, lip liner, mascara different kinds of eye shadows

C0682  Ronelle Girl         17          Lip balm, funky colours cutex

C0683  Ronnie  Boy        16          Dried fruit blocks or rolls

C0684  Ronny   Boy        17          MTN Airtime

C0685  Rosa      Girl         18          Vodacom airtime

C0686  Roselyn Girl         16          Teardrop nail file and other nail accessories

C0687  Roshan Boy        1             Baby products

C0688  Rowena               Girl         18          Vacuum sealer & pouches

C0689  Roxaan Girl         18          Cell C airtime

C0690  Roxy      Girl         17          Make-up & Sterling silver jewellery & 2-in-1 Shampoo

C0691  Roy        Boy        17          Iphone

C0692  Ruben   Boy        15          Skateboard

C0693  Rudi       Boy        1             Diappers

C0694  Rudolf  Boy        1             Baby bum cream & baby oil & Baby lotion

C0695  Ruth      Girl         14          Neon colours cutex

C0696  Ryan      Boy        14          Cell C airtime

C0697  Sakkie   Boy        17          Biscuits (Lemon Creams, Tennis, Romany, Bondior)

C0698  Sakuwa Girl         18          Bracelets

C0699  Samantha           Girl         17          Large ankle bracelet

C0700  Samelien              Girl         15          Facial mask for oily skin

C0701  Samuel Boy        13          MTN airtime

C0702  Sandra  Girl         16          Spur voucher for her and her friends

C0703  Sandro Boy        17          MTN airtime

C0704  Sarah    Girl         16          Vodacom airtime

C0705  Sarah-Jane          Girl         14          Any kind of tins

C0706  Scott     Boy        9             Microwave popcorn (like butter salt)

C0707  Sello      Boy        8             Buttermilk Rusk

C0708  Selma    Girl         4             Cream Soda cooldrink

C0709  Seth       Boy        8             Collecting Hot Cars

C0710  Shakiah Girl         15          Cell C airtime

C0711  Shamirah             Girl         18          Gorgeous deodrant gift pack

C0712  Shani     Girl         12          Big beach towel

C0713  Shanitha              Girl         13          Toiletry

C0714  Sharlen Boy        17          Battery shaver

C0715  Shaun   Boy        12          LED Flashlight

C0716  Shaun   Boy        18          Old Spice Gift Pack (Deodrant & Aftershave)

C0717  Shaundré            Boy        15          David Beckham items

C0718  Sheehama           Girl         17          Sleep mask for oil skin

C0719  Shenaydia           Girl         18          Pink Happiness Deodrant gift pack

C0720  Shevine Girl         15          Bubble bath (Bubble Foam)

C0721  Shianey Boy        16          Solo Deodrant gift pack

C0722  Shiela    Girl         15          Facial cleaning Products

C0723  Shikukuku           Girl         13          Make-up & jewellery

C0724  Shoonyeka         Boy        7             Zoo animal cookies

C0725  Sibongile              Boy        11          Lunch box cooler bag for school

C0726  Sibongiseni         Boy        16          Vodacom airtime

C0727  Simon   Boy        6             KinderJoy Boy

C0728  Simone Girl         15          Foam bath

C0729  Simphiwe            Girl         17          Unforgetable Deodrant gift pack

C0730  Siobhan               Boy        14          Headphones

C0731  Sishi       Girl         5             Raspberry Cooldrink

C0732  Sivuyile Boy        10          Different flavours of jelly

C0733  Siza        Girl         4             Jelly & Ultra Mel Box Custard

C0734  Sofia      Girl         16          Exclamation Deodrant gift pack

C0735  Sonia     Girl         15          Collect pocket sizes notebooks

C0736  Sonika  Girl         17          Gravity Deodrant gift pack

C0737  Sonja    Girl         17          Veet shaving products

C0738  Stacey-lee            Girl         11          Laptop

C0739  Stan       Boy        1             Newborn clothes

C0740  Stanné  Girl         18          Hoity Toity Gift pack

C0741  Stanton Boy        18          Deodorant, roll-on, hair gel

C0742  Stephen               Boy        18          Gillette Fusion shaving products

C0743  Stephen               Boy        9             Beading items, skateboard, no. 3 tekkies

C0744  Steve     Boy        17          Vodacom airtime

C0745  Steven  Boy        16          A tablet

C0746  Strachen              Boy        16          Hair gel

C0747  Success Girl         15          Vodacom airtime

C0748  Sumari  Girl         9             Collecting girly stuff like cute pens & books & keyrings

C0749  Susan    Girl         17          Gillette shaving products

C0750  Susarah Girl         11          Hello Kitty items

C0751  Suzaan Girl         5             Pony Party gift set

C0752  Suzette Girl         15          Cell C airtime

C0753  Sydney Boy        14          Jelly beans

C0754  Sylvia    Girl         10          Peanuts

C0755  T.J.         Boy        3             Iced tea

C0756  Talita     Girl         14          Headphones

C0757  Tamar   Girl         16          Lucky charm bracelet

C0758  Tamara Girl         15          5D Diamond Dot Painting Kits

C0759  Tammy Girl         17          Pocket money for December

C0760  Tamsen Girl         14          Diary not for school

C0761  Tara       Girl         17          MTN airtime

C0762  Taraji     Boy        15          Bloothooh speaker

C0763  Taylor    Girl         14          Big beach bag

C0764  Tayrone Boy        17          Vodacom airtime

C0765  Te-Meka              Girl         16          Toaster

C0766  Tessa     Girl         14          MTN airtime

C0767  Thabo   Boy        6             Sugar Free Snacks & Sweets

C0768  Thandi  Girl         14          Popcorn maker

C0769  Thandile               Girl         1             Hangers for baby clothes & Milton sterilizing products

C0770  Thembisa            Boy        3             Lots of soft sweets

C0771  Theo      Boy        11          Coconut Truffles, rolo’s & fruit pastilles

C0772  Theresa Girl         10          Hazelnuts & Almonds coverd with choclate

C0773  Thersia Girl         9             Speckled eggs, rascals, astro’s & smarties

C0774  Thivhulawi          Girl         11          Karmen or Deluxe Finger Board & Dics

C0775  Thobile Girl         17          Ladies sandles no. 7

C0776  Thokozile             Boy        13          Wants to start my own vegetable garden – like jam tomato seeds

C0777  Thom    Boy        7             Nougat, jelly tots

C0778  Thomas Boy        8             Caramel choclate bears, caramel fudge

C0779  Thomelin             Girl         11          Glow chocolates & milky tray choclates

C0780  Thurston             Boy        10          Sweetie Pie choclates & choclate eggs

C0781  Thys      Boy        15          Electric toothbrush

C0782  Timbo   Boy        7             Back to school stuff – Start Grade 1

C0783  TJ            Boy        7             Flake & Crunchie choclates

C0784  TJ            Boy        6             Giant colouring book & koki’s

C0785  Tjanita  Girl         8             Cream Soda cooldrink

C0786  Tommie                Boy        14          OK voucher – to buy fresh meat

C0787  Tommy Boy        13          Heavenly Selection choclates

C0788  Tondrai Boy        7             Clover Krush Orange Juice

C0789  Toni       Girl         17          Snackwicher

C0790  Tonya    Girl         6             Mini cheddar cookies

C0791  Tracey-Lee           Girl         11          Wafer Chocolate sticks

C0792  Traci       Girl         18          Size 7 shoes for ladies

C0793  Tracy     Girl         16          Lavender gift pack

C0794  Travis    Boy        17          Ipad

C0795  Trina      Girl         15          Shampoo & Conditioner for normal hair

C0796  Trishaan               Girl         10          Butter cookies & choc chip cookies

C0797  Trishja   Girl         4             Giant colouring book

C0798  Tristan  Girl         9             Sofia the first (movie) products

C0799  Troy       Boy        3             Spookie & Cheese curls chips

C0800  Trustworthy       Boy        3             Soft toys & Marshmallows

C0801  Tshiguuo              Boy        18          Sensodyne Repair & Protect Toothpast

C0802  Tsikane Boy        8             PS Choclate

C0803  Tumelo Boy        11          Kinder Joy for a Boy

C0804  Tumi      Girl         15          eReader for school

C0805  Tyrique Boy        10          PAW Patrol (movie) products

C0806  Tyron B.               Boy        12          Xbox 1 & mine craft game, Huawei cellphone

C0807  Ujani     Girl         17          Gift pack – Rose flavour

C0808  Uushona             Boy        1             Any baby products

C0809  Uvahn  Boy        15          MTN airtime

C0810  Valen-Lee            Girl         16          Vodacom airtime

C0811  Valera   Girl         17          Vodacom airtime

C0812  Vibeke  Girl         15          Neon, Metalic, Glitter, Gel Pens

C0813  Vida       Girl         8             Hello Kitty items

C0814  Violet    Girl         16          Cell C airtime

C0815  Vivian   Girl         8             Cheese curls or Cheese Puffs

C0816  Vusi       Boy        15          A cellphone with whatsapp

C0817  Vuyisile Girl         11          Make your own Woven Watch Kit

C0818  Wandisile            Girl         16          Cosmetic case / suitcase type

C0819  Warren Boy        16          Cell C airtime

C0820  Welda   Girl         2             OK voucher – to buy baby food

C0821  Wellee  Girl         18          Ring (size: no. 10 or a large)

C0822  Werneel               Girl         17          Sleep mask to cover my eyes while I am trying to sleep

C0823  Wessel  Boy        18          Beauty products

C0824  Whalricque         Girl         5             Cheese curls or Cheese Puffs

C0825  Wharnicque       Girl         16          vanity case – staying in a hostel at school

C0826  Whitney               Girl         17          Glitter make-up

C0827  Will        Boy        15          Milky bar choclates

C0828  Willem Boy        12          Pretzels & salti-cracks

C0829  Willemien            Girl         14          Vodacom airtime

C0830  William Boy        13          MTN airtime

C0831  Wilma   Girl         14          Cell C airtime

C0832  Wilna    Girl         17          Shaving products

C0833  Wim      Boy        17          Boys funky T-shirts (size XXL or XXXL)

C0834  Wynand               Boy        6             lots and lots of toffees

C0835  Xanadu Girl         5             A big teddy bear

C0836  Xander Boy        4             Marshmallows & lolly pops

C0837  Xandra Girl         14          Glitter & Gel Pens

C0838  Xavier   Boy        10          Sour sweets

C0839  Yebonga               Boy        6             Paint & Brushes

C0840  Yolanda Girl         16          Cappucino coffee sticks

C0841  Yolandi Girl         5             Bubble chips & smarties

C0842  Zahara  Girl         10          Lots of M & M sweets

C0843  Zander  Boy        6             Love cars & motorbikes

C0844  Zander B.             Boy        15          Basketball, TV, Playstation, Xbox, Laptop

C0845  Zane      Boy        13          Domino’s game

C0846  Zanele   Girl         7             Love martial arts, karate

C0847  Zavier    Boy        18          MTN airtime

C0848  Ziggy     Girl         17          Vodacom airtime

C0849  Zikhona Boy        13          Vodacom airtime

C0850  Zita        Girl         16          Flawless Brows (Verimark)

C0851  Zoe        Girl         5             Anything about Frozen Princess

C0852  Zolani    Girl         15          Shower gel

C0853  Zumari  Girl         17          Cell C airtime

C0854  Zunelle Girl         18          Cuttlery set & Dinner plate set